Interlinear Bible Vig-Val
Be Vigilant: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (1 Peter 5:8)

Be Valiant: "Therefore now let your hands be strengthened, and be valiant:" (2 Samuel 2:7a)

Be a Berean; "10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few." (Acts 17:10-12)

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Jesus said the whole world would be deceived!
Have you been deceived?
Are you disappointed in your spiritual life?
Do you feel like you are not truly in touch with God?
Does it seem like your church is not showing you all of Jesus' teachings?
Does the Christian teaching you have been receiving seem not to follow what Jesus taught?
Would you just like to get to know God better and get closer to Him?
Do you want to start following Jesus truly?

I invite you to read my book with your Bible in hand. Have a notebook and a pen, and check everything I say.
If you find any errors or if you can prove anything wrong with my interpretation of scripture, please write and let me know.

But if you find that you are seeing something new in the scriptures—something you have been missing, something that is now touching your heart—
I invite you to take the first step in breaking free of the deception the whole world is under.

If you want proof of the first great deception, and to see more of what the scriptures really say, see my book:

Deceived, Deluded, Damned.

The first great deception has tricked the vast majority of Christianity into believing the devil instead of the Lord God.

It started way back with Adam and Eve, and has deceived mankind and even Christianity ever since.

This pernicious lie of the devil has twisted our perception of the good God, and caused most Christians to not believe Him.

"And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said,
The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:13)
Beguiled means deceived.
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (Revelation 12:9)

My book Deceived, Deluded, Damned is a thorough examination of this first deception.

There is a second great deception! I hope to write a book about that soon.
Who told you you don't have to obey God's Ten Commandments?
Start truly honoring God, our Father, by obeying His Ten Commandments.
You say you do? What about the fourth, which is keeping His Sabbath Day holy?
You think Sunday is the Sabbath? Prove that to me through the Bible only!
Check out the links below to find a Sabbath-keeping church close to you. Study their beliefs on their website.
Hold their teachings to the fire of God's Word. Pray for God to lead you to the right one, and commit to trying them out.
Start obeying the living God today!

The United Church of God, an International Association
Church of God, a Worldwide Association
Church of God, Seventh Day

For questions, comments, or polite private debate, email me at email


Do you like Christian memes? Click here to go to our memes page.

These memes are just fun ways to get people to think more about God and Jesus.
Of course, they are to also lead people to visit this website, and help us all learn more about our loving God.
You may freely copy and share these memes.


Bible Studies on specific topics are listed below.

For questions, comments, or polite private debate, email me email
I agree with the Bible that "iron sharpeneth iron". If any of my brothers or sisters in Christ feel they can, in a spirit of kindness and sincere cooperation, help me improve my studies, please feel free to contact me. However, please know that Bible scripture is the only corrective source I will trust, not tradition or denominational dogma.

How to be Saved 1 How To Be Saved And Gain Eternal Life The Ten Commandments 2 Does Jesus Want Christians to Obey the Ten Commandments The Sabbath Day
3 Does Jesus Want Christians to Keep the Sabbath Day
How Sabbath4 How Should Christians Keep the Sabbath Day
No Eternal Torture 5 Will Humans Be Tortured Forever In Hell Days in Tomb 6 What Days Did Jesus Die and Rise from the Grave 7 Cover - Jesus-Saved 7 How Jesus & His 12 Apostles Say We Are Saved 7 Cover - God not mean 8 Is God A Mean, Vindictive, Angry God
Eternity 9 Where Will The Saved Spend Eternity Yeshua Messiah 10 Is Yeshua the Messiah  Messiah God 11 Is the Messiah God what happen devil 12 What Will Happen to the Devil
immortal 13 Is There An Immortal Soul In Man one family 14 Christians Are Children Of Israel - One Family One Law works 15 Without Good Works Can I Really Be Saved

1 How To Be Saved And Gain Eternal Life

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2 Does Jesus Want Christians to Obey the Ten Commandments

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3 Does Jesus Want Christians to Keep the Sabbath Day

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4 How Should Christians Keep the Sabbath Day

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5 Will Humans Be Tortured Forever In Hell

No Eternal Torture    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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6 What Days Did Jesus Die and Rise from the Grave

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7 How Jesus & His 12 Apostles Say We Are Saved

7 Cover - Jesus-Saved    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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8 Is God A Mean, Vindictive, Angry God

8 Cover - MeanV2.jpg    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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9 Where Will The Saved Spend Eternity

9 Cover - Eternity    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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10 Is Yeshua the Messiah

10 Cover - Yeshua Messiah    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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11 Is the Messiah God

11 Cover Messiah God    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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12 What Will Happen to the Devil

10 Cover - what happen devil    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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13 Is There An Immortal Soul In Man

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14 Christians Are Children Of Israel - One Family One Law

14 One Family    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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15 Without Good Works Can I Really Be Saved

14 One Family    Open a PDF file for PC personal computers
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